Saturday, September 3

Movie Theaters and Cinemas

Movie Theaters and Cinemas,

For those too young to remember, movie theaters actually used to come one theater at a time. Movie theaters were usually large buildings that contained one very large movie screen. The buildings were sometimes very formal structures that were similar to a Broadway style theater of today. Over time that changed and while the cinemas of today may be large, they often contain ten or more separate “rooms” that operate as individual theaters. While purists may not love the new style of theaters, there are some advantages. Many of the newer “multiplex” theaters have “stadium seating.” This angles the seats so each row is a little higher than the row in front of it. For anyone who ever sat behind a very tall person in an older theater, these new seats are a great innovation. Sound is another area that has improved. Advances in technology have allowed for better sound both in the making of the film as well as in the theaters. While some may long for the good old days, lots of people enjoy the new style of theaters.

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