Saturday, September 3

Action and Adventure Books

Action and Adventure Books,

No matter how old you are or what style you prefer there are many great action and adventure books to be found. For young readers classic books by authors such as Mark Twain and Jonathan Swift can be a great introduction to some of the classic works of fiction. For older readers, anything from the great stories of Sherlock Holmes to the more recent works of Dan Brown, Tom Clancy and Clive Cussler can be enjoyable. The huge popularity of some action fantasy movies based on books has served to remind many people how great these books can be. Everything from classic books from authors such as J.R.R. Tolkien, and C.S. Lewis to more recent works from authors such as J.K. Rowling, Stephenie Meyer and Rick Riordan are available. Local bookstores as well as will provide more choices than you could ever read. offers tools to find authors who write similar books as your favorite authors. This can be helpful in finding new authors and books.

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