Saturday, September 3

Cartoons and Animation

Cartoons and Animation,

The technology and business of cartoons and animation certainly has changed in the past 50 years or so. People of a certain age can remember the Saturday morning cartoons which consisted or action heroes such as Spiderman or Superman among others. They were basically animated versions of comic books. For a number of years the cartoon and animation options consisted primarily of repeat episodes of these old shows. It was almost until 1990 before the cartoon and animation industry was revitalized primarily through the efforts of the Walt Disney Studios. Disney leveraged new technology in animation to create a number of successful films that brought cartoons and animation back into the public consciousness. The growing popularity of cable and satellite television helped expand the market further. Stations such as Nickelodeon and Disney’s television channel made cartoons that featured funny and unique characters. Even mainstream networks got involved creating cartoons such as The Simpsons that appealed to a larger audience.

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